For good reason, the education portion of resumes is a challenge for many job seekers. Your CV needs to be unique in order to provide you with a competitive edge in any job hunt.
To do that, you must ensure the presentation accurately conveys the value you can bring to any job. Information about your education might be used to verify your qualifications and job fit.
What if you possess a higher education credential, such as a Master’s in Business Administration?
However, you must understand How to List an MBA on a Resume to incorporate this graduation information appropriately.
Also Read: How much it costs to write Eye catching resume.

How do you list MBA on a resume: Guidelines
The good news is that it is easy to understand how to correctly list an MBA thanks to a few basic rules. You should not have any trouble recording that accomplishment if you adhere to these guidelines:
- You can provide the whole degree title, Master of Business Administration, or simply the initials. MBA can be written with or without periods – M.B.A.
However, you should usually include both so that your resume covers all keyword permutations.
- You can mention your MBA before or after your school, depending on how you obtained your degree. For example, if you received all of your degrees from the same institution, you should generally mention the institution first, followed by the degrees.
If, on the other hand, you received your MBA at a different school than your other degrees, you may wish to put the degrees first, followed by the institutions.
- The MBA concentration should only be included if it is relevant to the role.
- Honoraria can also be provided, however only the most significant awards and accolades should be included.
- The business school at the college may enhance the résumé. However, it is not always a required component.
- All of these data should be included in your resume’s education section. You may also opt to showcase your MBA in your cover letter if you so choose.
Hence, this is how to list an MBA on a resume by using some simple steps mentioned above for you.
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Examples of how to list an MBA on a resume.
In addition to those general principles, there are some additional suggestions that might assist you in appropriately listing your MBA information.
In a chronological resume structure, for example, you should always mention educational achievements in reverse order (also known as reverse chronological order):
ABC University, Any town, any state
Master of Business Administration (MBA), Marketing, 2020
XYZ College, Your town, your state
Business & Marketing, 2017.
So on if you maintained a GPA of 3.5 or more and obtained good grades, you may submit your grade point average data. Put the GPA at the end of each list, just after the year, if you wish to.
Moreover, you can also include coursework in your description, but just the courses that are the most pertinent.
Though, never take classes that aren’t specifically connected to the job you want. That holds true for your case as well. Only if it is pertinent to the post should you provide specifics about your chosen thesis.
On a resume, put MBA after your name.
There has been much debate about whether to list your MBA credentials after your name on a resume.
Whereas, the reaction depends on the position you’re trying to achieve. If the position favors or requires a candidate with an MBA, you should put it right there with your name.
If it isn’t really relevant to the job, simply include it in the education section of your resume. Even though most employers value an MBA, you cannot often leave schools off of your resume (unless in extremely rare circumstances).
Examples of how to list an MBA on a resume after your name.
So this is how you can learn how to list an MBA on a resume after your name by following the steps we have guided above.
How to put a future MBA on a resume.
You might also need to know how to indicate on your resume that you are working on an MBA. Make a note of the fact that you are presently working on your MBA and that you have a solid estimate of when it will be accomplished.
While, the structure for an MBA listing can be the same as for any other item, with the addition of a projected completion date.
ABC University, Any town, any state
Master of Business Administration (MBA), Marketing, Expected Completion: 2019.
As you can see, it’s simpler than most people believe to figure out how to mention an MBA on a resume.
In the meanwhile, you may quickly add that amazing information to your resume by adhering to the straightforward guidelines and suggestions in this text.
And it ought to support your credibility and improve your chances of landing that desired employment interview.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How should an MBA title be written?
An expert has a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree, for instance.
- How should an Executive MBA be written on a resume?
Since it is a well-known acronym, you don’t need to spell it out. Instead of identifying it as an Executive MBA, you should write Executive MBA. Whether there are full stops in between the letters, MBA or M.B.A., is acceptable.
- Is an MBA considered a master’s degree?
Technically, an MBA is any Master’s degree in business administration. After all, M.B.A. is the abbreviation for Master of Business Administration.
- Do individuals use the title MBA?
If you want to draw in new clients, list your MBA after your complete name. You might wish to include your MBA specializations here as well. When you initially get in touch with a potential customer, you’ll want to demonstrate that you’re well-educated and capable of handling their business. Sign your entire name first, followed by your title.
You put a lot of effort into earning your postgraduate degrees, therefore your MBA should take pride of place on your CV!
However, there are several places and ways we have discussed above to help you to learn how to list an MBA on a resume. Good luck with your job hunt and congrats on your degree!
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